Why Mindful Meditation?

I started as a therapist back in 2001 using Hypnotherapy as my main ‘tool’ in trying to help people with their issues. I was lucky enough to be picked up by several TV companies who filmed my work with clients and as you can imagine by practice quickly bloomed.

The more I discovered about CBT the more I liked it and found it worked very well with hypnotherapy. It was as if CBT was the nuts and bolts and hypnosis was the icing on the cake, if you like mixed metaphors, that’s a humdinger!

Over the the last 2 years I have been using more and more mindfulness approaches with clients and find inviting the client to focus on the ‘here and now’ works very well. My office is on the third floor on Harley St and though not being noisy, the traffic provides a gently hum to listen to….one of the starting points of awareness…what can you hear?

A lot of people are put off by the idea of meditation for many reasons. Mindfulness however is so simple, so uncluttered with mumbo jumbo, so direct that practicing it is like falling off a log. It also dovetails very nicely with CBT because a lot of CBT is about not letting the mind run away with you…to keep your feet on the ground.


Can Hypnotherapy Really Stop Someone Smoking?

Well the answer is in the question. Why would I want to stop you smoking?

In other words Hypnotherapy supports and encourages and even inspires you to do something you want to do and if that is to stop smoking then with a bit of luck you might stop. But it’s a free country and so if you want to smoke…by my guest.

A hypnotherapist is not in the business of making you do something you don’t want to do.

If you want to stop smoking then the hypnotherapist fans the little flame  of your desire to quit and builds that desire to as high as you can possible go. But it is your flame and your choice.

Try stopping smoking with me in Harley St Central London.

Here is a link to my Hypnotherapy In London site.

My Glittering Career..in case you didn’t know

Its all me, me ,me on this one.

I have been in Harley St central London since 2001 and seen a lot of clients and been on the TV a number of times. Yes, use hypnotherapy to blow your own trumpet…cause no-one else will!

This link to my Hypnotherapy In London therapist page.

Or to watch on Youtube A Hypnotherapist Speaks

Rent a complementary clinic room in Harley St

If you fancy working at the weekend in Harley St in my nice room…drop me a line.

I have a lease on a very nice room which is vacant at the weekend and available for hire or rent.

If you are an alternative therapist who wants to work in a complementary clinic setting do let me know.

Contact me at my website