Beat A Chocolate Addiction with Hypnotherapy In London

Here is a video talking about how hypnotherapy could help you beat your chocolate and sweets addiction.

Beating an addiction of chocolate and sweet processed foods can really help to boost how you feel about yourself.

Do let me know if you have more questions on how Hypnotherapy in London could help you with a chocolate addiction.

Drop me a line via my website

Or watch on Youtube Beat food cravings

Hypnotherapy In London For Weight Loss

Here is a video of how I use Hypnotherapy to help weight loss.

Seeing a hypnotherapist to help weight loss can give the client new ideas and strategies.

Its not magic just encouraging you to think differently about how and where and when you eat.

Do let me know if you want more information on how hypnotherapy could help you to lose weight.

I work in Harley St central London.

Here is my website link

Or watch on Youtube Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss

Weight Loss Hypnosis In London

If you live in London and weight loss is on your mind, your thoughts might turn to Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy.

Or maybe not.

Hypnosis is no magic cure for anything but a session or two with a sensitive hypnotherapist may help you to focus the mind on the things that you really want. Like getting into that dress, and if you are a bloke who likes getting into dresses…even better.

A weight loss hypnotherapy program is usually a mixture of relaxing hypnosis and  good old fashioned common sense, like slowing down your eating and using more of your senses to savour the experience.

Let me know if you want a session or two in central London.

Try my website

23 Million Stone Weightloss

According to this report, the good British public aim to lose 23 million stone in the year 2010.

Not a pretty sight if you start imagining what that weight in fat looks like.

Better to think of all the energy, walking and doing stuff that it represents.

Imagining large amounts of fat is quite a good way of putting people off over eating though, and its better than having a love- hate relationship with all those fatty foods.

Fancy a bit of weight loss help?.

Try my contact page for details

Hypnotic Gastric Band For Weight Loss

You will have heard about the  Gastric Band  that is rather a drastic way of losing weight. It is a band that is surgically inserted around the  upper part of the stomach to inhibit food intake.

Well instead of going through with the surgery and possible complications, why not use hypnosis to  feel like you have the gastric band and save most of the hassle.

Hypnotherapists are getting good results with this simple idea.

Try it or ask me more questions about the hypnotic gastric band

Diets dont work..but what’s to do to lose weight?

Most of us have come to the conclusion that diets dont work, but where does that leave us if we want to lose weight?

This article in the Times has some sensible ideas about what to do including the master hypno himself Paul Mckenna

Try this article

I like the idea that we stop torturing ourselves by wanting to diet and still being in love with food..its a recipe for heart ache.

I often urge my clients to lose weight by falling out of love with food.