The Dreaded “What If” or Living in the future…negatively

How much time do we spend thinking about the future? Christmas is coming, plans are being made, holidays booked…or dreaded!

For the person suffering with anxiety the future is a place filled with awful events that they are convinced are going to happen. The mind has already mapped out the future and it’s not looking good.

Part of effective therapy is to wean the fearful client off the habit of the dreaded ‘what if’, the mindset that bullies you into trying to avoid all those things that might happen.

People are not stupid. They are aware of what could or might or even probably happen in the future and whatever you say as a therapist cannot change that fact. The ‘what if’ thoughts are possibilities and not facts. Dragging the client away from their habit of mistaking facts with possibilities can be a big task.

Ready to think differently about the future? Why not? It hasn’t happened yet…so you can think what you like!

Agoraphobia Help With Hypnotherapy In London

Agoraphobia can be one of the most inhibiting of fears, which can make the house into a prison as you struggle to go out into the world.

Agoraphobia is a problem that takes some time to beat. Feeling that you can beat this distressing phobia is central to building your confidence and  encourage to leave the comfort of your own home.

Do let me know at Hypnotherapy in London by contacting me on the website